Saturday, March 27, 2010

Lack of Posts Here

Wow, JULY was my last entry. Not because I've not been creative, mind you, but because most of my creativity has been cakes, which I've opted to post on an entirely separate blog:

I have made some cards . . . but my scrap "crap" is so unorganized right now . . . and what a daunting task that is, to get it put together in a manner that encourages me to create more. I took this Spring Break off of work, so hopefully I can set some time aside to get going on that. I'll post pics if I get it organized.

Oh, but I HAVE done some painting, and that reminds me, I need to call cousin Tammy and see when her house is available for me to come finish up. She is decorating the kids rooms in fun styles and I'm helping with a little bit of paint on the walls. A whimsical Japanese cherry blossom tree in her sweet baby Sydney's room and clouds (background for the airplane pasties) for Peyton, with hills and volcano (background for dino pasties) for Carson. Definitely will post pics when that is done!

I'm in a phase right now where I'm trying to get healthier . . . maybe that will spark me to be more organized at home (which definitely always makes me FEEL better). It's hard because I am not one who likes to clean. I detest it actually! LOL

Until later . . .

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