Well, I certainly have neglected THIS blog, now haven't I? Hmmmm. Well, 2010 was a very busy year. It's not that I wasn't creative. I spent most of my time (outside of the necessary day job and taking care of my kids and house job) making and decorating cakes. I had a lot of people asking for cakes, and not wanting to hurt any feelings, I generally tried to oblige. Unfortunately for my pocketbook, most people have no idea what it takes to bake and decorate a custom cake. For instance, I think most would be surprised to know that even my simplest cakes take about 3 hours of my time. And the smallest of cakes has a minimum of $10 to $15 in cake costs . . . so when they offer to pay me $15-$20 for a cake, well, they don't really realize they are asking me to donate half a day to them for FREE. But, well, I love most of the people I make cakes for, so I tend to cave and just make them a cake, ha ha. I do love to decorate them . . . Here's a few from 2010 that I made. You can always see all my cakes (most of them anyway) at my other blog at
www.catscakecreations.blogspot.com.This was a FUN take on a 57 Chevy . . . It's a HUGE cake, 22" x 15" and 3 layers high.

Hoppy Easter!

and Congratulations to the Grads!

Here are a couple of the grads with their "mini me's!"

This was a "wild" jungle birthday cake . . .

and I LOVED these sunflower cupcakes, loved their rich colors!

I made A LOT of cakes in 2010 . . . only time will tell if 2011 brings just as many or more! ;o)